Now a days job hunting becoming more miserable, as the amount of time companies took to hire stretched out and as they asked candidates to undergo more and more interviews. Labor shortages during the pandemic gave a temporary relief, but now, as fears about a recession grow, companies are going back to their old habits of putting candidates through a grueling process. 

Job Search is also became one of most challenging process and giving a overwhelming efforts from the job seekers who get their hard time from the current job. As we all deal with the ever-increasing complexity of modern life, there seems to be no end to the demands on our time – and looking for a job is just one more. So, how do you reduce job seeker's time on the job search into your already jammed busy  schedule? How much time should job seeker allot for to this activity? 

Well, do the job seeker really want to search his/her full-time job in full-time ? or job seeker want to search his/her part-time job by spending their full-time ? So, we are trying to provide the solutions for the job seekers with a In-depth job discovery with fully optimised and organised job listings. 

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